Quick Links

Quick Links


All pupils from Reception to Year 6 can now access free school meals. 

Parents and carers can access the current Primary School menu by logging in to their ParentPay account.

ParentPay is an online payment service for schools and families.


How does ParentPay work?

ParentPay helps schools manage school trips easily, from setting up trip payments to collecting parents' consent and medical history.

How do you access a ParentPay account?

To create an account you will need an account activation letter provided by the school for your child/children. If you have lost your letter or have not yet received one, don't hesitate to get in touch with the school where a member of staff will be able to provide you with your activation letter.

Please click here for further information about ParentPay.


If you think your child may be eligible for free school meals, please visit the school office where someone can provide you with the relevant form.